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Coaches Code of Conduct

Our organization is dedicated to fostering positive coaching practices and rejecting a "win-at-all-cost" mentality. While winning is an important aspect of sports, our coaching philosophy emphasizes using the sports experience to impart valuable life lessons and positive character traits to young athletes.

To maintain the appropriate atmosphere for our activities, our organization has adopted a zero-tolerance policy regarding the enforcement of the NFF Code of Conduct.

1. Player Well-being: I will prioritize the emotional and physical well-being of my players over my personal desire to win. Their development as individuals is paramount.

2. Individualized Approach: I will treat each player as an individual and recognize and encourage age-appropriate skills and development in all my players.

3. Safety First: I will ensure a safe playing environment for my players to minimize the risk of injury to the best of my ability.

4. Lead by Example: I will lead by example, demonstrating fair play and sportsmanship both on and off the field. I will be a role model for my players in all aspects of the game.

5. Respect for Officials and Coaches: I will respect the decisions made by referees and fellow coaches, understanding that their role is essential to the integrity of the game.

6. Youth-Centered Coaching: I will always remember that I am a youth sports coach, and the primary purpose of the game is for the enjoyment and development of the children, not for the satisfaction of adults

7. Adherence to Code of Conduct: I will abide by the Coaches' Code of Conduct in all NFF sports activities, maintaining professionalism and integrity at all times.

8. Knowledge of Rules: I will ensure that I am knowledgeable in the rules of each sport that I coach, and I will teach these rules to my players in a clear and understandable manner.

I understand that by agreeing to this Code of Conduct, I commit to upholding these principles and standards. Failure to adhere to the Coaches' Code of Conduct may result in my suspension from participating in NFF activities for a period determined by NFF Staff.

I acknowledge that coaching in NFF activities is a privilege that comes with responsibilities, and I pledge to fulfill these responsibilities to the best of my ability.

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NFL Flag Columbus

P O Box, 36136
Jackson-Belden, Ohio 44735

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